International Coach Federation Polska zaprasza już po raz dziewiąty na Coaching Academy.
W tym roku świętujemy 15-lecie ICF Polska oraz 25-lecie ICF na świecie, dlatego do udziału zapraszamy naszych członków oraz wszystkich coachów, którzy chcą z nami pogłębiać wiedzę i rozwijać swój warsztat.
W programie wiele ciekawych tematów.
Osoby ubiegające się o odnowienie akredytacji będą miały szansę zdobyć 14,5 punktów CCE.
Spotkanie odbywa się online i będzie tłumaczone na język polski.
Co w programie:
2 października – piątek
In this workshop we will review the new ICF Code of Ethics to fully understand why this Code of Ethics is so important to you as a Professional Coach. We will look at what protections it offers you, your clients and the profession of coaching.
The best way to understand Ethics is to grapple with real Ethical issues. Come prepared with your questions and dilemmas. Let’s explore this gray area where answers are not always clear cut, Ethics, and how we can feel confident we are following the ICF Code of Ethics.
As Professional Coaching grows it is imperative that we, the Professional Coaches, utilize the new ICF Code of Ethics to ensure ethical practices for all concerned.
Benita Stafford-Smith is an ICF Master Certified Coach, a Coach Supervisor and an Advanced Systemic Team Coach. Overall, Benita has proudly coached over 5,000 hours with hundreds of clients across three continents.
Currently Benita manages the Coaching Practice for an HR Consultancy where leading organizations and their executive teams trust Benita’s expertise to enable them to get clarity on their objectives and how to achieve them.
She was the founding President of the ICF Oman Chapter, the founding chair of the ICF ME Prism award, past member of the ICF EMEA Regional Advisory Council and presently is Chair of the ICF Global Board, Credentials and Standards.
Benita is the author of two published books, co-author of another two, a frequent blogger and has articles published in traditional media outlets.
9.00 – 11.00
2 CC z etyki
Introduction to ontological coaching – how body, emotion and language work together – HANNEKE DINGEN, MCC ICF, dr n med. MAGDALENIA SKOPIŃSKA, Master Somatic Coach™
In this interactive workshop, we explore the ontological coaching model and explain the origin and theory behind it. We create awareness on how body, emotion and language seek congruence and how your presence as a coach in a coaching conversation influences coaching outcomes. Together, we practice centering.
Additionally, we explore how you can bring a coaching conversation to a next level by involving body and emotions of the coachee and yourself in your questioning. Hanneke will give a short demonstration and (if technical environment allows) we will roleplay, share experience and answer questions.
As a preparation, please bring your own coaching question.
Hanneke Dingen is an INSEAD MBA (’91), a Master Certified Coach (MCC) and Mentor Coach. Since 2001, she has been working as a coach with CEO’s, high-achieving professionals and top teams and co-creates and facilitates customized transformational leadership programs.
She is based in the Netherlands and serves a national and international client base with her own team of The Jane Company. The mission of the Jane Company is to expand consciousness and shine new light on balanced and more sustainable leadership.
Earlier, Hanneke built a professional career for 14 years in international business environments, like Hewlett-Packard, TBWA and Procter & Gamble.
dr n med. MAGDALENIA SKOPIŃSKA, Master Somatic Coach™
11.30 – 13.30
1,5 CC 0,5 RD
Cultivating the Coaching Mindset: Integrating the Updated ICF Core Competencies – CARRIE ELIZABETH ABNER, Vice President, Credentials and Standards at ICF
In November 2019, the International Coaching Federation announced updates to the ICF Core Competencies. These updated Core Competencies resulted from nearly two years of rigorous research and are based on evidence collected from more than 1,300 coaches across the world representing a diverse range of coaching disciplines, training backgrounds, coaching styles, and experience and credentialing levels, including both ICF members and non-members.
While this research validated that much of the current Core Competency model remains critically important to coaching practice today, new elements also emerged that have been integrated into the model, including the importance of a coaching mindset and ongoing reflective practice, the critical distinctions between various levels of coaching agreements, and the importance of cultural, systemic and contextual awareness within coaching relationships. These foundational components, combined with emerging themes, reflect the key elements of coaching practice today and will serve as stronger, more comprehensive coaching standards for the future.
This session will offer an overview of the updated Core Competencies and what they mean for coach practitioners and the coaching profession.
Carrie Elizabeth Abner, is vice president for Credentials and Standards at the International Coaching Federation, where she works to ensure high standards, value and integrity of ICF Credentials for all who hold them. Previously, she served as assistant director for communications at The Council of State Governments, where she worked with state legislators, supreme court justices and executive branch leaders to foster collaboration and sharing of best practices across the states. Her past experience includes management of U.S. Justice Department grant projects on sexual assault and intimate partner violence, and she has also worked to ensure the protection of refugee women and children in humanitarian crises. Carrie holds a Master’s degree in international affairs from The George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
15.00 – 16.30
1,5 CC
Dispelling Assumptions About Coaching: A Research and Experience-based Perspective – dr Wilma Slenders, PCC ICF
In the field of coaching there are many commonly held assumptions that may have been true at one time, but no longer are. Or, they may never have been true, but were repeated and perpetuated over time until they became ‘common knowledge’. Some of these include: a coach who asks REALLY good questions can coach anyone; there is an optimal number of coaching sessions; setting goals is critical to clients’ success; the ROI of coaching CAN NOT be calculated or it CAN be calculated; accredited coaches are the best coaches.
In this session, we will explore and challenge some of those assumptions, referencing recent research findings, incorporating participants’ experience, and leveraging the presenter’s experience as an executive leadership coach.
Wilma Slenders, PhD is a highly-skilled strategic advisor, executive coach, and consultant in leadership and organizational effectiveness. Known for her pragmatic, business-results focus, Wilma has a proven record of success in leveraging personal and corporate transformation.
Extensive experience working with leaders at all levels of the organization, combined with advanced education in leadership and management, provides Wilma with a unique perspective on the leaders’ roles in the organization, their relationships, and challenges.
Wilma is the founder of Transcend Management Advisors Inc., is the ICF Global Coaching Science Community of Practice Co-Lead and has served as the ICF Calgary Chapter President.
17.00 – 18.30
1,5 CC
Trends and the future of coaching – MAGDA MOOK, CEO at ICF, BARTOSZ BERENDT MCC ICF, president of the Chamber of Coaching (Izba Coachingu), DOROTA WRÓBLEWSKA, Member of the Board, EMCC, ZUZANNA MAZUREK PCC ICF, president of ICF Chapter Poland
Magda Mook, CEO ICF, will present the trends in the coaching industry based on the research done by ICF across the globe, with a special focus on Europe and Poland. She will also tackle the topic of challenges and opportunities for the coaching profession and its future. After the short presentation, representatives of three biggest associations of professional coaches in Poland will join the discussion, namely representatives of Chamber of Coaching, EMCC and ICF Chapter Poland, which together formed a partnership as Forum of Coaching Organisations aimed at advancing our profession and speaking with one voice as to represent our industry.
Find out more about Magda Mook:
Find out more about Bartosz Berendt:
Find out more about Dorota Wróblewska:
Find out more about Zuzanna Mazurek:
19.00 – 20.30
1,0 RD
3 października – sobota
Working with ambiguity: a somatic approach – Pete Hamill
This session introduces the concepts and principles of somatic coaching with practices that include body awareness, bodywork, and mindfulness for both the coach and the client. We will be applying this to dealing with complexity and ambiguity, understanding our embodied responses to these phenomena.
In this highly interactive, experiential program, participants will:
– learn the importance of implementing body-oriented somatic practices in order to address embodied responses to ambiguity and complexity, and the importance of the body more widely in change.
– deepen their awareness and knowledge of how somatic practices play a fundamental role in enabling one to dissolve habits, behaviours, and interpretations of the world that are no longer relevant or no longer serve the client.
– explore how these ways of being are integrated in the body–at the level of the musculature, organs, and nervous system.
– learn some simple somatic concepts and practices that support shifting our patterns in response to ambiguity and complexity, which you can start using tomorrow.
Pete is a consultant, coach and facilitator who works on individual, team and organisational development using a somatic approach. He is a Senior Teacher at Strozzi Institute and is an expert in the field of Embodied Leadership, on which he has published a book. He is interested in leadership and personal development, including the role that conflict plays in organisations and society. In addition, Pete works as a tutor on Roffey Park Institute’s MSc in People and Organisational Development, and their Post-Graduate Certificate in Coaching. He is currently undertaking a part-time PhD to further his research on Embodied Leadership.
09.00 – 10.00
0,5 CC 0,5 RD
Working with the Updated ICF Core Competency Model – TRACY SINCLAIR, PCC ICF, past Chair of ICF Global
This session will review the updated ICF Core Competency Model. The speaker will share an overview of the model, followed by an exploration of each competency. Differences, themes and highlighted areas of significance will be covered. Participants will also have an opportunity to ask questions and share examples of their own next steps and plans to fully integrate this model of competence into their coaching practice.
Tracy Sinclair, PCC ICF is an executive coach, mentor coach, coaching supervisor, coach trainer and ICF PCC assessor. She runs a coaching organisation which has two main service streams: one is providing professional coaching services to organisations, developing managers and leaders using coaching skills, and helping organisations to develop their culture through coaching. The other is the development of professional and internal coaches through a range of services including training at all levels, mentoring and supervision. Tracy has been volunteering for ICF since 2010. She was the President of the UK ICF from 2013-2014 and has been an ICF Global Board Director since 2016, serving as Treasurer in 2017, Global Chair in 2018 and Immediate Past Global Chair in 2019. Tracy currently serves as Director at Large on the International Coaching Federation Global Enterprise Board.
10.30 – 12.30
2,0 CC
Effective continuum of success in business coaching – ANNA PYREK, MCC ICF and MAŁGORZATA SZTEJTER
During the workshop we will take up two topics concerning the development of a business coach. The first is related to building ethical and effective relations with all the stakeholders and presenting yourself as an expert on three stages of your career path as a business coach. We will discuss the expectations of the executive HR and suitable coaching practices during three-way contracting meeting and demo sessions.
The second topic concerns the leverage of coaching effectiveness visible to the clinet’s business environment. We will share best practices on how to best support your client in negotiating their development goals at the beginning of a coaching process, as well as communicating changes and influencing the organization during its closure. We will talk about executing programmes in person and remotely in Poland and Europe.
Anna Pyrek, MCC ICF – The craft of coaching is her passion. She practices it as a managing partner at Kingmakers consulting company and as an executive coach in Poland and Europe. She combines a warm and close relations with clients together with a systemic and strategic approach. She has over 2,600 one-on-one coaching hours and 1,100 group coaching hours enriched by a teaching practice: in 15 years she educated over 4,500 students on how to conduct wise conversations. As a mentor, she supports numerous organisations, cooperates with Vital Voices, Technologia w Spódnicy (Technology in a Skirt Association) and Women in Law.
Guest speaker – Małgorzata Sztejter
13.00 – 14.30
1,5 CC
Understanding your client in a coaching process by understanding human psyche – dr JOANNA RAJANG, MCC ICF
The workshop touches on client’s behaviours, which sabotage the achievement of their coaching goals and those that seem to be the answer of their psyche to changes and confrontation with their own fears, needs, assumptions or values. In my opinion, it is a responsibility of a coach during a process to not only respond to the client’s behaviour but mainly to respect their needs. What should a coach do when a client does not execute the plan he designed himself? Or reschedules sessions? Or changes the goal from session to session? Referring to the coaching agreement will not solve the problem. But what will? I will answer that question and others during the online meeting.
15.00 – 17.00
1,5 CC 0,5 RD
0 zł dla członków zwyczajnych ICF Polska
150 zł dla członków wspierających ICF Polska
300 zł dla coachów niezrzeszonych w ICF Polska
Sprzedaż biletów kończy się we środę 1 października.
Pamiętaj! Możliwość skorzystania z przysługujących zniżek jest tylko po zatwierdzeniu profilu członka zwyczajnego / konta członka wspierającego. Jeśli nie masz jeszcze konta, założysz je tutaj: dla Członków Zwyczajnych lub tutaj dla Członków Wspierających
Profile członków zwyczajnych oraz konta członków wspierających uprawniające do udziału w Coaching Academy ze zniżką, akceptowane są w ciągu 3 dni, jeśli chcesz przyśpieszyć proces, wyślij na potwierdzenie opłacenia członkostwa (ICF Global / ICF Polska).
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